Dermatology Cork

Dermatology Service, Acne, Psoriasis, Mole Check

Dermatology Cork, , Acne, Mole Checks, Psoriasis

Dermatology Cork
Welcome to
Carrigtwohill Dermatology Clinic
We welcome new Dermatology patients in our specialised Clinic.
Call us today to schedule your appointment.
Mole Checks and skin cancer screening, Cryosurgery for Verruca & Wart Removal,
Mole Removal, Ingrown toenail removal.
We also perform skin prick Allergy Testing for common allergens.
Free onsite parking in convenient location.
No referrals needed - just contact us directly to book.
Call us today for more information or to arrange an appointment.
Opening Hours...
Monday 9.00am - 5.30pm
Tuesday 9.00am - 5.30pm
Wedsnesday 9.00am - 5.30pm
Thursday 9.00am - 1pm
Friday 9.00am - 5pm

Dermatology Services...
Dermatology & Skin Conditions: Acne, Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Rosacea,
Specialised Roaccutane Prescription Service
Minor Surgical Procedures
Skin Cancer Screening (Dermatoscopy)
Cryotherapy & Cryosurgery (Wart & Verruca Removal)
Allergy Testing (Skin Prick & RAST) - service currently unavailable

Carrigtwohill Dermatology Clinic, Unit 1F Eastlink Business Park, Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork. T45 H213
Phone: 021 4853831 Fax: 0214883054 Out of Hours Emergency GP Care: SouthDoc 0818 355 999